Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hayley's full month celebration

Our little baby is now a month time flies,,wasn't it just yesterday we brought her back from the hospital? I am not sure how much she weighs now but I love how this pix shows off her chubbiness :)

To celebrate Hayley's full month, we invited a bunch of friends over and caught up over a catered buffet lunch from Angeli's. I also managed to track down a satay man who made the most delicious pork satay which was a hit with the guests.

Snacks for the children
Satay Man from Tiong Bahru
Hayley's 1st mth confinement aunty - Li Ling
Hayley and Po Po
Friends from KL and Bailey the doggy
The Little girl who slept through her whole party

Jin and I did not manage to take a pix with Hayley but here's another gorgeous pix of her - we love you little Hayley bean :)

As we could not invite everyone to the party, we got cupcakes made for Jin's colleagues - so pretty!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey that satay man is my friend!