Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Our 1st Christmas in Singapore

Here are some great memories of how we spent our 1st Christmas in Singapore.

Made a log cake for Bean's xmas school party

Bean opening her one of many pressies on Christmas day. This was a lego supermarket set.

The other new toy. When she saw it, she immediately ran to our helper and yelled , "I have my own scooter!" (she has been borrowing the neighbour's). btw - this made in china toy took her daddy 1 hour at midnight on Christmas eve to set up. it came with extra parts which just confused the whole installation! I was reprimanded for not buying a ready made version :P

A yummy breakfast of crepes, sausages and fruits on our balcony on Christmas morning. and our very 1st family of 4 pix.

We invited Anne and VB over for Christmas dinner - have not seen them for more than a was good to catch up over a spread of KFC, grilled vegs and lemon tart.

Pat made a fabulous dinner of turkey, lamb, lots of appetizers and pumpkin pie.

Hayley enjoying her 1st Christmas in daddy's arms

Michael and bean kept themselves busy watching Barney and eating cookies for dinner

I saw this at a hotel lobby and immediately missed not being in SF for our yearly Christmas celebrations.

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