Monday, February 14, 2011

Milk To Hayley

Our 3 mth old little one has been taking 130ml of milk per feed since she was 1 plus month. the amount has not gone up just bcos she does not finish the additional 10ml when we try toping up the milk to 140ml. I find it interesting that she takes about 15 to 30 minutes to finish what I could finish in 2 gulps (10 seconds).

She loves to savour her milk - most feeds, she will drink all the way till the remaining 60 ml(which is like a small mouthful of liquid for adults) ..then she takes a break - rejecting the bottle. But if she does not drink finish that 60 ml, her sleep is unsettled combined with lots of hand sucking resulting to very wet mittens. Give the girl her last 60ml and we get a happily contented full baby who will close her eyes , droop her head and no amount of talking, rocking, patting or noise will wake her :)

1 comment:

Lynda Ng said...

so cute lah. she has so much hair in this picture.