Sunday, January 29, 2012

Hayley @ 14.5 months

Our youngest bean is getting bigger. she walks like a pro now, runs like she's stepping on coal, hardly ever crawls and loves screaming the word "Dahhhdeeeeee" and of coz, "NO!" btw, Dahdee usually means "mummy" cos she screams the word even when Jin is in the same room and only stops when I am within her sights :p

A quick run down on what she can say :
- Dahdeee (mummy)
- pease (please)
- yeye (xie xie)
- NO!
- YES!
- ye ye (grandpa)
- mummee (yummy)
- What zi that (what is that)
- There!
- I lobb yew (my fav! I LOVE YOU)

she's still fairy light..8kgs at 13.5 months (and she was the same 8kgs at 10 months!)..doc said we have to give her pediasure but we persevered and patiently fed her and made sure she finished her meals and happy to report that at 14.5 months, she now weights 8.75kgs...woohoo,my arms are so gong to thank me in Hong Kong next month :p

her favourite game is "peek a BOO" and she loves running to us when stuffing her face in between our legs yelling "BOOO", "BOOO". hilarious!

This sweetie pie can also give kisses, rub nose and hugs with pats on demand.

The tiger in hayley comes out when she's upset. Usually when she sees Big Bean snuggling with me, she gets quite upset and rushes over to try smack her big sis. Aiyoh!

As for sleeping through the nite, hits and misses. some nights she sleeps from 8.30pm till 6am. sometimes she wakes up 2-4 times a night crying for us. sleep training is taking a looong time with this little one.

I love you little one, crazy fuzzy hair and all :)

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