Monday, December 3, 2007

32 but feeling 30 :D

Turned 32 exactly a week ago,..this year's bday celebration was rather muted as I was too lazy to plan anything and I think even Jin was a bit tired to plan - must be after effects of Perth trip planning :).

He was sweet enough to surprise me with cake the night before from Lana. We celebrated with Lin, RY and Eelin who was visiting. The strawberry cake was a real miss but the thought was worth a thousand kisses ;)

Actual day - we had brunch at Simply Bread as I was craving sausages. Then Jin suggested checking out the boardwalk at MacRitchie..I never knew they had a 2 km long boardwalk along the was really quite fun to walk as there were not many people at 11am that morning. Jin saw a snake and heroicly yelled loud enough to send 10 snakes running - I myself jumped 2 feet back!

Afternoon, I planned a spa treat at The Ultimate Bukit Batok Civil service club. The spa couple rooms are quite nite as they are little standalone villas but the noise from the pool penetrated that otherwise zen atmosphere. We paid $128 (starhub's bday deal) and jin got a body scrub and balinese massage while i had a scrub and facial. I really enjoyed the sweet potato dessert we got after the treatment :)

Evening, we headed to Vivo to catch Enchanted..what a cute disney film and Patrick McDreamy was truly cute.

Bday celebrations followed throughout the week with lunches with Jun at Akashi, marcom mates at ShinKushiya, dinner at Ember with the bday ladies group - still have a couple more to go :)

Back in Msia a week later and celebrated with the usual folks at a seafood restaurant at selayang. We had crabs, mantis prawns, white prawns, garoupa fish and Keat bought me a yummy durian cake.

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