Friday, November 23, 2007

I made ONE cookie ;)

Seeing all the cute gingerbread men on recent Perth trip got me wanting to bake my own gingerbread men. Especially ones that would look just like the one in Shrek.

So last night I downloaded a recipe from - it had 200+ reviews, mostly positive so figured I can go wrong. Searched Cold Storage for gingerbread men cookie cutters but all they had was a batch with a bear, hippo, star, flower, heart and turtle mould. At$2, one cant complain too much so I bought that.

Jin helped by setting up the mixer and washing up the used items. My dough was somehow wayy too wet (surprisingly the complaints from the reviews were that the dough was too dry :p) so I only managed to cut one cookie out. (stuffed the remaining dough back in the fridge where I hope it gets much dryer!)

My one perfect gingerbread bear :) cute...with 3 mini M&M's as the buttons. Jin ate it for breakfast.. and said it was yummy..hmm, could he say anything else? :p

1 comment:

Lynda Ng said...

Your gingerbread man is super cute... i guess the icing comes later..;)