Saturday, January 26, 2008

A baby for jin and me :)

We found out we were expecting in December! It's been quite hard trying to keep the news under wraps, especially since we met up with a lot of old friends who can't help but ask when we were having a kid..Jin and I just smile and reply : hopefully this year ..hehehe :D

It's been 16 weeks and we are slowly letting the news out...partly because I don't think I can hide the baby bump any longer and the vain me does not want ppl to think I am just getting fat due to all the holiday meals :p (pix on right - Union Sq in SF - 13 weeks)

Has been quite an uneventful pregnancy with an exception to the down syndrome scare I got last week from my triple test results. I chose to quickly do an amnio and thankfully, results from amnio gave us an ALL CLEAR :). Other than that, I did not get the morning sickness or major food cravings.. I did however get the occasional headaches when I was hungry and of course during the first few months I was pretty exhausted.

Sometimes, I even wonder if I am pregnant as I don't feel any different since the past month..that's why I really look fwd to the doc visits where an ultrasound of the baby always amazes me..I think the sound of the heartbeat is the coolest sound in the world at this point..hmm, if only I was rich enuff to own one of those machines..hehe..lucky katie holmes!

The cons of being pregnant is definitely the no-no to sashimi :( was really quite torturous to be in Tokyo during christmas and watch Jin from outside our fav stand up sushi shop enjoying himself. I also really miss my active skiing, no golfing, no running, no massages..I could not even do the rides at Disney Sea! thankfully, I can still swim (i do dislike cold water though) and started pre-natal yoga yesterday. Need to find good prenatal massage place to pull me through the next 6 months :)

Next steps : have to find confinement nanny..have already booked cik fauziah for my post natal massages..leaving the stroller and car seat purchases to Jin. I love delegating!

1 comment:

Lynda Ng said...

Congrats! Baby Ryan can't wait to meet your little one..:D