Friday, May 23, 2008

3 day weekend and we are in Spore?

Jin and I always make it a point to plan a trip out of Spore everytime there's a long weekend in sight..however, for the recent Vesak day break, we were actually confined in Spore as we had to attend our 5 week pre-natal classes which happens every Sunday.

It was an extremely relaxing hindsight, probably a good thing we did not get out of Spore as we took time off to relax and rest. We did plan some meet up with friends. Myra invited us for brunch and baby demo session (includes bathing, napping, playing) where we got to play with baby Julian who is adorable at 6 months. Here's Julian in his green bumbo chair..soo cute:)

On Monday, we actually planned to walk the newly open Henderson wave bridge but the heat deterred us and we spent 2 hours playing in the pool instead. Jin took some underwater shots..not very flattering but lets humour him by posting 1 shot here :p

Monday night, dinner with Charmaine and WW at Sunset Grill, Spore Flying Club - famous for their spicy chicky wings. I was amazed that they had 10 levels of spiciness ..we ordered half dozen level 1 and a dozen level 2. I think I was the only one who enjoyed Level 2 *grin*. but they were spicy and I cant imagine what level 10 will taste like!! Here's me feeding Jin a deep fried mushroom.

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