Saturday, November 1, 2008

Studio shots

Sophie bean turns 4 months tomorrow..she's growing up too fast!! We took some studio shots 3 weeks ago to remind ourselves how small she once was :)

Our little one was not a happy camper at the day of the shoot as she was tired and cranky...we spent 80% of our time just trying to get her to stop hah..we did not even attempt trying to make her smile :P..I was exhausted at the end of the shoot but thankfully, our efforts paid of..I must say, we got some pretty decent pictures ..*yay*


Lynda Ng said...

:D love the pics... i think the crying in the tub one is super cool!

Unknown said...

i like the tub one too! poppy was floppy in the tub so we took her out haha

Olivia said...

Awww!too cute.similar to anne geddes babies! very good shots.