Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sophie with her ah ma and ah kong

With Ah Kong and Ah Ma in front of Ah Chor's lovely home in Penang

I have to admit that Jin's parents (esp his mom) really dotes on Sophie..they helped to babysit her for 3 days last week and although there were some initial stranger anxiety issues, soph warmed up quickly and knew she had them at her back and call :P
Her "Ah Ma" loves carrying much so that I have to lay down strict ground rules that she can only be carried if she eeks and wants to sleep..alamak, cos I knew it would be me who will kena after the grandparents leave :P
Jin's dad tries to play with Sophie but somehow, I think he forgets she's a baby..he always insists that she plays according to his way and that truly frustrates Sophie and she ends up in tears..I call it a subtle form of "bullying"..hmmph!

Ah Kong insisting Sophie plays his wayyy

Having a rest after walking Jacob Ballas children's garden at BG

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