Sunday, February 8, 2009

CNY in Spore

Lo Hei and more lo hei..

We had an office team lunch at Crystal Jade - also to celebrate Adel's bday. Baby Jada joined us..she's a super cute 3 mth old :)..this was also Mark's farewell lo hei session - he went back to Aust and I am officially cube-mate less :(

We spent the whole saturday afternoon visiting Mad and Ah Loi's new homes. Sophie was the only baby at this party but I have a strong feeling next year this time, she will have other baby friends :)

Jin was a great help this weekend..he basically entertained and watched little bean while her mummy spent close to 3 hours preparing all her "snacks" for the coming week. We met up with Yen Ling and Eddie for dinner at Old Town White Coffee (yummy nasi rendang!) and happy to find out that YL is 4 mths whiz!

Daddy takes Sophie for swims to keep her occupied

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