Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Yay..i am going to be an Ah Yee again :)

My sis called when we were in Bkk over the weekend and broke the good news! baby will come in Sept - how exciting! She mentioned that I should get pregnant she kidding? Here's are 5 reasons why I should not be preggy now...

1) I am only sleeping an average of 6 hours daily. This is despite sophie being in bed by 8pm till 730am everyday. with a new baby, can I function with only 4 hours of sleep?

2) I have just lost all my pre preggie weight and i like slipping into my old clothes again

3) I enjoy my daily coffee and diet coke too much - I need my caffeine fix!

4) I have not read a book in ages or watched all the Oscar movies - I want to!

5) I have not gone to the gym or joined an exercise class or picked up golf again - I need to!

The above 5 reasons seemed highly self centered but I always believe that by having a baby, you do not lose your identity..there should be some ME left in me. but ok ok, to make me a bit more noble..why I should not be preggy now? bcos I like enjoying the one on one time I get with sophie bean..just the two of us :)

She's turning 8 months next week. There's something new about her every week. This week, she started lifting up her arms to be carried. She makes jin and me laugh as we talk about her before we sleep at night. mostly about her antics and funny how she is now so sticky to me , that even in her most distressed mode, just seeing me makes her face all light up again. and how she wails after every meal (whether or not she's stuffed) and how promptly stuffing her thumb into her mouth gives her the comfort she seeks.
20/5 posting - yay, ryan is going to have a little brother :)

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