Thursday, April 30, 2009

Jin and lizards...

My dear hubby is like super scared of lizards..wait,,scared is a softy word - terrified is more like it..he gets all pale whenever he sees one even if it's the tiniest house lizard. Anyway, today he was in the toilet doing the BIG one and I was running around trying to get bean into bed and making her milk when I saw a small lizard in the hall.

Naturally, knowing how Jin hates lizards, I made it a BIG point to let him know that there was one in the hall running around.
Cin at hall : JIn - got lizard in hall!
Jin in toilet : KILL it please
Cin : but but, it's small and harmless
Jin : Can you PLEASE kill it
Cin walks into the kitchen with a huff, takes out the spray from under the sink and sprays at baby lizard. Lizard runs out of kitchen. Cin follows - and begins to wonder just when did insecticide start smelling so good..looks at can in hand : which says - Dettol disinfectant spray..yikes wrong spray!
Runs back into kitchen, took right spray and sprayed at baby lizard again. At this point , Michiko comes out to see what the whole commotion is about.
So I start telling her : Michiko - lizard lizard. dont let it go into sophie's room!

And guess what? Lizard promptly goes into soph's room %^%*^ i start screaming..and sophie starts crying cos of mummy's crazee screaming.(poor baby!) and all this while, jin in toilet shouting : where is it? what's happening? DON'T let lizard into toilet PLEASE.

Michiko says : Don't scared maam - lizard no bite.

She chases lizard out of sophie's room. Guess where lizard went next?

The Toilet la! LOL.

Jin in toilet - super MAD. Very angry.
Me in soph's room - rolling on floor in silent laughter
Michiko in soph's room - super calm. Says : Maam, lizard no bite. No scared. It's OK. bu yao Pa.


Jin in toilet : Cin - the lizard walked over my pants (angry tone)
Cin trying to control laughter : not my fault, michiko chased lizard in there. you come out la.
Jin walks out without his pants into the other toilet. Michiko goes in and takes toilet brush and hits lizard. Must have been a pretty hard hit cos toilet brush broke.

What a night!


Lynda Ng said...

ai-yo-yo. poor jin! and poor beanie and poor LIZARD! oh, poor toilet brush too... why michiko hit so hard?


Unknown said...

lol comedy central la!

happy shiny things said...

my friend swears by boiling water. we've tried it once and it works super well. not sure if it's kinda cruel tho.... if the lizard is on the ceiling/wall she'd get her 5 year old to spray at it with water pistol so that once it lands on floor, the boiling water Hits It. Charm.

Adeline Chin said...

OMG!!! I'm afraid of Lizards too. I can imagine the terrified look on Jin's face. Poor thing! But the way you tell story damn funny la woman. I laugh until I almost peed in my pants. lol :P

jaime said...
