Sunday, July 12, 2009

Weekend of Baby Parties

What a busy weekend we had! Saturday morning saw us checking out our new home which we will be moving into soon. I did some measurements, choose bean's bedroom out of the 2 choices - her new room faces the playground , hope she gets to meet some nice baby friends here.

In the evening, we headed to St Regis residences for FZT's party..showed Sophie - Cuscaden Residences, where her parents stayed for 4 years before she came along. FZT's party theme was all things Sesame Street. We had a lovely time hanging out with the babies, mummies and lots of food and cake.

Sunday morning, we went "marketing" then met up with Jimmy and Gail for some good ol Msian breakfast of nasi lemak and ipoh keow teow teng at Old Town. Then it was off to Mothercare as I had some expiring vouchers from bean's full month party! Got her a very expensive tricycle but convinced myself it was a worthwhile investment as it has 3 stages and she can ride it till 2 years old..hehe.

After lunch, we picked up bean and changed her into her swimsuit to attend Declan's pool party. Jin got her a cute flower power swimsuit from babyGap :). Bean had fun in the pool! We missed her naptime and grouchy Bean cried all the way home then promptly fell asleep once her head hit the mattress :p

Took Jin to try out the Daily Scoop ice cream at Sunset Way. I tried the chendol flavour couple days back and it was soo good that I know he will love it. Huge disappointment cos they ran out! we settled for durian instead which was good but not as good as I suspect we will be heading up there again within the next few days.

Urgh, wished there was another 2 days to this exhausted and not in the mood to face another work week tomorrow. Hmm, just have to amuse my thoughts with pictures of a funny bean :)

1 comment:

bluebearypie said...

Daily Scoop! I go there almost once a week and my absolute absolute fav is Coffee! If you take Coffee, go try it out. I like it so much that I sometimes call them to just ask if they have it in stock!

I love Daily Scoop... Udders at Novena (which has had a couple of good reviews) doesn't even come close!