Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Visiting Cameron Highlands after 10 years..

How time flies..the last time we visited CH was on a treasure hunt where I distinctively remember Khim and Mel "squabbling" in the they are happily married with 3 year old TC and baby (boy?) on the way :). Coincidently, our trip back to CH more than 10 years later was also with Khim and Mel and the rest of the KL group. 8 adults, 4 kids and zero helpers..very proud of ourselves ;) *Keat pulled out at the last minute - the group was not too happy about losing the bbsitter!*

On the way up, we had a really good meal at Ipoh's Public restaurant - we ate huge har lok prawns, mantis prawns, yam basket, steamed white promfret, pig knuckles...the bill came up to RM800! jin said cheap by spore standards..dont think anyone else in the group found that funny..heehee

We were greeted by Mrs Chong, Hilltop's caretaker, upon arrival. She had tea, home made scones and strawberry jam waiting for us..very nice and I did not get a chance to take pix as they were eaten too fast. That night, we had steamboat - something warm amidst the cool clean Cameron air. After the little ones went to zzz land, we surprised Mich and SC with a bday "pie" which I bought all the way from Spinelli's spore :)

The next day, we visited the Big Red Strawberry farm where the little kiddos got to pick strawberries at RM20 for half a kilo. After that, we checked out the Boh tea plantation - nothing much to do there but gaze at fantastic views of rolling tea fields.

We had a yummy BBQ dinner , extra special cos we did not have to do the work at the grill ;). there was lamb, squid, sausages, corn, chicky wings, otah fish and fried rice.

The 3 days ended too fast..we took some group pix on the last day b4 heading down back to Ipoh for local hawker fare of ipoh kuey teow teng, caramel custard, pork satay and chee cheong fun. Time to go on a diet!!!

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