Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Where o where are the giraffes?

Giraffe? where daddy where?

wahh..hunky..bean like :)

We took bean to her first zoo visit tonight..Night safari tickets were buy 1 free 1 so $22 got both jin and me in (bean gets in for free!). we attended the night performance by some otters, racoons,hyenas and boa. The show was super boring with fake accents by all the zoo keepers. bei ta han! Bean could not see everything as it was quite dark - she seemed more interested in the crowd, she kept saying "hi" to everyone near her and clapped when everyone clapped :)

As the sky was starting to make rumbling sounds, we headed towards the east side of the park to look for the giraffes `cos we had been promising bean she could see them on the car ride over. 15 minutes later - we found them at the far far end of a very big field munching on their greens - separated from us by a little stream...dang, i was so hoping bean will see the giraffes up close :( we know why people pay lots for African safaris :p

Overall, our little one seemed to enjoy herself..she saw the msian tiger, lots of the deer family, zebras, a huge rhino, snakes and fish - and she was alert and curious throughout ..told Jin it's probably time for us to buy the annual zoo hopper pass :)

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