Sunday, November 1, 2009

Scary pumpkin bean

well, it is Halloween and I expected bean to be a scary pumpkin but alas, she looks more like a cute pumpkin bean :)

Jin's been super busy at work the past week..coming back past 11 most nights and off by 8am the next day. So he promised to spend more time with us during the weekend - which meant cancelling his morning PT session so we could head to the zoo. WE finally explored the famous waterpark at the zoo. Check out the happy bean :) - am soo going to bring Ryan when he visits!!!

We joined the july 08 babies for a halloween party hosted by Adora. I did not take any shots so am shamelessly doing a link to the party pics here :)

Sunday saw us doing the early morning walk to BG - had a lovely brunch at Halia and then sophie got to run around till she got soo tired, she just went into her usual squat on the ground mode and waited for me to pick her :p.

White asparagus, eggs, parmesan shavings, prosciutto ham and truffle oil = super indulgence!

YL invited us for lunch at their new place - we had beef stew! and baby Josh has grown..soo "pretty" :). sophie had fun terrorising Julian...sigh.

The weekend ended with dinner at Gail's..a last minute dinner invite to have roast chicken and out of this world cherry tomato soup..we never turn down home cooked meals. :)))

Here's a glimpse of the little one who just turned 16 months today - watching her sesame street on tv.

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