Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Gosh, I do miss home..

Don't get me wrong, I love being on holidays (who doesn't!) but this also usually means sophie sharing the bed wth us...and , here is what happens from 8.30pm onwards nightly.

830pm : pats and sing song to sleep (depending on how tired bean is, this could take 10 minutes or like tonight, 4 hours - on and off of sleep attempts)
1am : she stirrs, i wake and instinctively, starts patting her..she falls back into a sleepy slumber
4am : she wakes and I do mean wakes. sits up on the bed, starts touching her face to mine, does her mumble jumble, plays with bunny and wwf me. what is wwf? she sits on me, on my face, insists on lying on my chest, all the while, moving and wriggling non stop. from the sidelines, it's pretty funny to watch but def not if you are part of the process. I can usually hear Jin snickering in the background when my face is being sat on with a full diaper too.
6am - she finally decides that her mummy has been tortured enough and heads back to dreamland..sometimes on her own, exhausted by her own play..sometimes, with me losing patience and giving her a good scolding, where she will hurriedly, lay still and close her eyes tightly, all the while, stuffing bunny into her face (bunny gives her comfort when mummy scolds her :P)
8am - up and about and if i pretend to sleep, she puts her finger to her lips and says SHHH (loudly!) and then 2 seconds later, starts her whole wwf routine on me.

back home, this would be her sleep routine :

8pm : good night sweet bean and it's lights off and door close (no patting). she tries her luck by fake crying but after 2-5 minutes, she figures that no one was coming in so she grabs bunny, stuff her choot choot into her mouth and falls to sleep in a yoga child pose position (very entertaining watching all this from the baby monitor :)
8am : rise and shine.

BLISS! now that's why I miss home. Jin is of course less affected here..he took matters into his own hands by moving to the floor after a week of being kicked around. now he sleeps peacefully and can even tell me in the morning, " no la, she slept through the night wat"

ON the other hand, i do love the touch of her warm skin and smell of her sweet breath next to me everynight..

ok, that just might be the sleep deprived me typing nonsense,

signing out at 515am - mummy who has been awake since 330am and could not fall back to sleep

Monday, December 28, 2009

A beautiful Christmas

We are in the US with Lyn and family. This year, our annual roadtrip took us to LA, San Diego and Tahoe. We did Disney pre Christmas and loved every minute...the parade was awesome as with the whole Christmas Disney theme - santa hats on the Disney characters and beautiful Christmas lights all over.

We spent post Christmas up in Tahoe in a huge rented cabin with 5 other familes (5 couples, 11 kids!). The cabin was lovely - huge kitchen area, snooker table, hot tub in the open - i spent 2 nights outside with snow falling lightly on me while having a jacuzzi in the tub..what a good life :)

Bean and her kor kor Ryan watching snow fall outside our bedroom window

what a cute winter bean :)

sledding fun!

Family shot (jin with adopted son dylan ;)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Xmas hi tea with the ladies

The wanna-be tai tai's got dressed in the black theme and along with their bling blings and pearls, met up at the chi chi St Regis lounge for the yearly Christmas hi tea affair. Yappy and Mad could not join this year..poor mad has the bad case of MS :(

Friends in their sunday best

The hi-tea spread

My dessert

Andrea and her flip camera
I got my own tofu man -gift from ms lin
Guess who's not happy cos she could not decide which gift she wanted for xmas? :)

Oh No!

Despite my best efforts not to get bean to say the word "No", at 17 months - she caught it :p

For the record, here's what I say to her instead of the word : No.

> Don't ___ that
> Bu Ke Yi

Our girl loves music - each time the radio stops playing, she looks at it and says : More! and when it's playing her favourite tunes, she twirls, claps and moves with the rhythm :). so cute!

and finally, at 17 months, bean has enuff hair for me to do this :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The rest of November

The rest of November flew thanks to the energiser bunny in me. Jin bought me to a stand-up sushi bar for my bday dinner, not knowing that sushi tei would have been more appropriate. Don't get me wrong..the sushi was really quite good but the ambience got a 2/10 as a bday dinner place. He made it up by sharing his waffle with me at the Daily Scoop ;)

I had tea with Angie at TWG - loved the whole chi chi experience and the teas were good.

We spent one morning doing breakfast with seto who was in town from US. I think bean enjoyed the attention!

We finally got Lilaine and extended family over for a long awaited catch up gathering. Lucas and Jared turned our sofa into an obstacle course of sorts and it really got me thinking if bean's gonna follow suit soon..yikes!

And. we also finally caught up with shu min, wc and allyssa. Dinner was at sol playground cafe - we were the only patrons that night. the food's a bit pricey but the two girls got the whole play area to themselves which kept them occupied while the adults tried to have some catch up conversation.

What better way to end November but with a party? we celebrated Jada turning ONE - with cupcake bear getting bear-headed..gulp.