Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Drama Minggu Ini..

What a crazee week it has been..michiko decided to leave without so much as a 24 hour notice leaving us pretty much stranded with house move and no one to watch sophie. thankfully, boss allowed me to take all afternoons off on urgent leave for 2 whole weeks till in laws come to the rescue and giving us time to find a new helper.

I have to say, it's been a while since i get to be bean's sole caregiver. i pick her up from school (which she lurves! whole day she sings songs from school - songs i have never heard of), we come back and usually have a small snack (fishballs from old chang kee) and then it's a quick clean up and off to her afternoon nap.

once she wakes, it's play play play all the way. sometimes we read books, have a colouring session or like today, since we were stuck in one room as the decking guys were making a mess out at the living room, she had a looong bubble bath.

some highlights of the week :

pain pain na na

on friday, we were so caught up with the move that we kinda forgot it was dinner time till bean went, "pain pain" and pointed at her tummy. I looked at jin and said, "oh no, i think she has gastric", we dropped everything and walked out for food (yes, it's nice to be able to walk 3 minutes and reach a local hdb coffeeshop)

even though she was hungry, she kept whinning "pain pain, pain pain" and after a while, "pain pain na na". "Na na?" - no idea what that meant! then i thought a bit and said to bean "i think you need to poo poo cos this morning you did not poo". so we headed back and sat her on the potty and she says "sophie no poo poo, pee pee only" and I said "ok" and wiped her pee off and the second i removed my hand, PLOP PLOP, her poo came out and nearly landed on me hand!

after she pooed, she said "sophie no more pain pain" and laughed. poor child.

locked in

even though i am on leave every afternoon, my big boss does not know and so we were having a concall while bean was taking her nap. halfway through the call, i heard her knocking on her door which meant she woke up. since i was on the call, i decided to keep her waiting.,..and the minute the call ended, i rushed to her door, calling her name.

turned the door knob and whoa, door was locked. silly bean played with lock from inside and locked herself in!! and jin took all the keys to office (no idea why).

so poor child starts wailing from inside "i want mummyyy, i want mummyyy" and i call jin and he was thankfully on his way somewhere and could detour to pass us the key. meanwhile, i pacified her by sneaking cookies under the door :P

at one point, i told her to ask bunny to help her open the door and she said OK. next thing i heard was her telling bunny in a serious tone "bunny open door..bunny, do properly..why cannot?" lol.

what a week indeed! but tired as I may be, i am loving every minute with bean..she is soo cheeky and funny.,and what energy! i refer to her as my little energy ball. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lol about sneaking cookies under door! We also had a locked door episode once. Now that doorknob is broken completely cos we had to hack it with a hammer haha. I so think we should stick the respective room door keys to the front of the doors now!