Sunday, January 9, 2011

2.5 years old < bean > 3 years old

What has our little bean been up to lately? Growing up fast for sure!

She LOVES the iPad. infact, the one sure way to ensure good behaviour is just to mention the word "iPad" and everything becomes a "Yes Mummy! OK Mummy!"

Feeding the fishes is a daily activity - she eats half of the bread meant for the fishes :p

Doing arts and crafts keeps her occupied and messy!

She loves colours and crayoning allows her to express her love for colours

Very independent - wants to feed herself and gets into a fit when we try helping :P

Enjoys company - it's fun to watch her interacting with her peers.

Dressing up and posing = little ms vainpot in the making.

loves her mei mei - here she is "reading" to Hayley when she saw that no one was entertaining the baby

I always have to remind myself that bean's not even 3 yet - she seems soo grown up at times. I hope that her life will always be happy and carefree as she is today :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2 month old Hayley!

Our little princess in becoming quite the charmer..she coos when we spend time playing and carrying her and when she senses that we are going to put her down, she flashes one of her sweetest smiles (we have been told by aunty that she has a dimple on her left cheek !)- and we often end up playing longer with her.

double chin! 5.6kg and 56cm long = growing well from mummy's milk.

Bean and School

Bean's last day at Pats
After 8 months, bean "graduated" from Pat's. We met up with her teachers Ms Jessie and Gui lao shi - they handed over a scrapbook filled with pictures of what she did over the year along with an assessment book - ms jessie mentioned that bean was above average :).

Looking at the lovely scrapbook, my eyes did start getting teary as it showed bean's journey and how much she has grown. I still remember her 1st day and how she cried till her pretty eyes turned red and bengkak. Am soo proud and amazed at how much she loves school now.

Bean's 1st day at E

Bean started her 1st day at E-schoolhouse today. To prepare her, we started telling her all about her new class teacher and friends that she will meet..I also took her on a bus ride to the school and we walked into the compound just to give her a feel of the school before the actual day.

Happy to report that she had an excellent 1st day! Her teacher informed me that bean has excellent social skills, did not shed a single tear, and ate 2 bowls of porridge on her own :)

On the way back, bean said ,"why 2 and 4 children cry mummy?" :p

The night b4 2011

And what did we do on the last day of 2010? ..

a D-I-Y pizza party of course ;). RY supplied all the ingredients and yes, in true RY's style - he over estimated how much a group of 9 adults can eat..I think we had enough to feed 14 adults!

Chef RY showing the art of topping a pizza

Pat's happy with her creation

Michael's pizza was just loaded with cheese and he loved it

Lin's pizza ready to go into the oven

Pineapples, sausages and mushroom - best combi for bean and mummy

Jin gave the pizza I made for him a 5 out of 10 - ungrateful! ;)

and while the parents ate, the kids were occupied with chitty chitty bang bang

Our 1st Christmas in Singapore

Here are some great memories of how we spent our 1st Christmas in Singapore.

Made a log cake for Bean's xmas school party

Bean opening her one of many pressies on Christmas day. This was a lego supermarket set.

The other new toy. When she saw it, she immediately ran to our helper and yelled , "I have my own scooter!" (she has been borrowing the neighbour's). btw - this made in china toy took her daddy 1 hour at midnight on Christmas eve to set up. it came with extra parts which just confused the whole installation! I was reprimanded for not buying a ready made version :P

A yummy breakfast of crepes, sausages and fruits on our balcony on Christmas morning. and our very 1st family of 4 pix.

We invited Anne and VB over for Christmas dinner - have not seen them for more than a was good to catch up over a spread of KFC, grilled vegs and lemon tart.

Pat made a fabulous dinner of turkey, lamb, lots of appetizers and pumpkin pie.

Hayley enjoying her 1st Christmas in daddy's arms

Michael and bean kept themselves busy watching Barney and eating cookies for dinner

I saw this at a hotel lobby and immediately missed not being in SF for our yearly Christmas celebrations.