Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Bean and School

Bean's last day at Pats
After 8 months, bean "graduated" from Pat's. We met up with her teachers Ms Jessie and Gui lao shi - they handed over a scrapbook filled with pictures of what she did over the year along with an assessment book - ms jessie mentioned that bean was above average :).

Looking at the lovely scrapbook, my eyes did start getting teary as it showed bean's journey and how much she has grown. I still remember her 1st day and how she cried till her pretty eyes turned red and bengkak. Am soo proud and amazed at how much she loves school now.

Bean's 1st day at E

Bean started her 1st day at E-schoolhouse today. To prepare her, we started telling her all about her new class teacher and friends that she will meet..I also took her on a bus ride to the school and we walked into the compound just to give her a feel of the school before the actual day.

Happy to report that she had an excellent 1st day! Her teacher informed me that bean has excellent social skills, did not shed a single tear, and ate 2 bowls of porridge on her own :)

On the way back, bean said ,"why 2 and 4 children cry mummy?" :p

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