Sunday, January 9, 2011

2.5 years old < bean > 3 years old

What has our little bean been up to lately? Growing up fast for sure!

She LOVES the iPad. infact, the one sure way to ensure good behaviour is just to mention the word "iPad" and everything becomes a "Yes Mummy! OK Mummy!"

Feeding the fishes is a daily activity - she eats half of the bread meant for the fishes :p

Doing arts and crafts keeps her occupied and messy!

She loves colours and crayoning allows her to express her love for colours

Very independent - wants to feed herself and gets into a fit when we try helping :P

Enjoys company - it's fun to watch her interacting with her peers.

Dressing up and posing = little ms vainpot in the making.

loves her mei mei - here she is "reading" to Hayley when she saw that no one was entertaining the baby

I always have to remind myself that bean's not even 3 yet - she seems soo grown up at times. I hope that her life will always be happy and carefree as she is today :)

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