Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hayley @ 3 months, 3 weeks old

6.6kg, 61cm

It's such a joy to wake up each morning to a happy smiley baby. Hayley flashes her toothless smiles to anyone who will just give her the time of the day - she happily coos and "talks" to us when we respond to her smiles.

A rundown of her days :

6.30am - wakes up for her milk and usually quite contented to lie back in bed and watch her musical mobile..sometimes falls back asleep

7.30am - if parents can drag themselves out of bed ("wake up sleepy heads" as bean will tell us!), hayley gets brought into our big bed for some morning chit chat and songs

8.30am - a whole hour of yakkity yak yak tires the little one..she starts fretting and we usually put her down for a cat nap.

9am - Cat nap over - drinks milk (140 to 150ml per feed now)

10am - morning bath time - she loves! actually I love giving her the baths too..even though I get peed on 3 out of 7 days :p. after bath, she naps again

1130am - milk milk milk and then..zzz

Afternoons - she is mostly awake, partly cos big sis is home and making a LOT of noise

6pm-ish - milk and starts to wind down..can see she is sleepy but still wants to ke-poh

7.30pm - gets between 60 to 100ml milk top up and usually falls asleep drinking.

12am/2am - some nights we wake her for a dreamfeed at 12am b4 we hit the sack but we noticed that for some reason if we do that, she will still wake up at 3ish for another feed. wherelse, if we do not wake her for dreamfeed, she wakes herself up at 2.30am, drinks and falls back to sleep till 6.30am...hmmph.

we have a part time aunty to come to the house to take care of her - aunty nelly loves her.."damn cute, damn cute" is what she says about 30 times a day :)

damn cute damn cute

daddyyy..this is NOT what mummy meant when she asked you to keep an eye on me!

..and today i drank milk! and slept! and pooed..and drank milk..

uber chubs!

1 comment:

Lynda Ng said...

her neck seems very strong for a three month old. did u guys bring out the jumperoo?