Monday, September 24, 2007

Brunch at Dempsey Hill

This weekend was a particularly good one..managed to meet up with Ed and Lilaine along with baby Lukas who we have not seen for 4 time flies..decided to have brunch at one of the new places at Dempsey. Unfortunately Ben and Jerry's was not opened so we decided on Jones the Grocer. It was packed but we got a communcal table with another family of 4. the menu listed the usual eggs and pancakes which was what we got along with sides of mushrooms. Not a bad place for brunch as the ambience and atmosphere gave an easy-going vibe. After brunch, we walked around the area and hopped into B&, the smell of waffles was amazing..I can't wait to come back here to check it out.

Spent the afternoon doing something out of the ordinary..I actually took a afternoon nap :p..felt really good after the nap - we then headed for our 6 hole golf was really fun and Jin hit a PAR at hole 6 - 2 very estactic people were doing high 5's at that green :)

Then it was a quick rush to meet the gang at Whampoa fish steamboat where I had my filled of the delicious soup. After din, RY wanted to check out Timbre in town - we circled around for a good 30 minutes to find parking :p. that night we played MJ till 2 in the morning and I won $4.50 from Karen :)

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