Monday, September 24, 2007

Quick weekend getaway - Macau and Hong Kong

Jin was invited to attend ex colleague - Rita's wedding in HK so with our cheap JetStar tix bought months ago, we took off last weekend. Flight was ridiculously early at 7am but that also meant we got into HK really early. Decided that instead of staying 2 nites in HK, we wanted to check out the newly opened Venetian casino in Macau so we quickly wove our way to the seaport where the hovercrafts leave for Macau from HK.

Checked into 3 star Hotel Sintra. Although they were having major renovations and therefore lots of noise, since we were out most of the day, it did not really bother us. What was more impt - clean sheets and bathroom..thankfully, they past the test :). I did my usual homework about places to eat and that took us to Lisboa Restaurant where we ordered a meal enough for 4 people..hehe, how greedy. We had the shrimp soup which came in a lovely loaf bread so you could scope the pieces of bread from the side when you dig the spoon in for the soup. Jin wanted the stewed herbal duck and that was a big dish for two...too herby for my liking but Jin enjoyed it. I could not resist but to order the baked crab which was listed in too many was yummy..very oily but yummy ;))

Macau (and HK) was very very extremely polluted..the haze hung like a dark cloud over the city and visibility was miserably poor. We managed to catch a fireworks competition..very spectacular and would have been even more so if there was no haze. I like's so quaint and i love the local biscuit shops where you get to sample everything..I have to say, these shops were quite generous in they amount they let you sample which makes you wonder about the profit margins. :p

We left Macau early as i could not wait to check into the very nice Conrad HK hotel..Jin managed to exchange his points and they gave us a room on the executive floor which meant we got to use the lounge on the 59th floor for free...the lounge faces the beautiful HK harbour but sadly, the view was hampered by the haze. :(

First food stop in HK has to be wanton mee at our favourite shop at wellington road. Got to meet little Ryan finally and he is such a handsome boy.

Spent the rest of the night amusing myself by walking from lan kwai fong (women's street) all the way down to temple was a loong walk and I did not buy anything..finally found myself at the esprit outlet where I managed to get some winter clothes at 50% discount. As jin still wasnt done with the wedding, I found myself craving a foot massage. There was this lady on the street waving pamphelts on cheap foot massages and convinced by her, we walked to a nearby deserted looking building, took the lift to the 13th floor and got into a dingy looking flat. At this point, all my warning signals were peaked...I sat down and quickly smsed Jin all the details and told him to come look for me if he does not hear from me after an hour. Thankfully my fears were unnecessary and it was a proper all business foot massage which I got :)

Our third day was spent rather reluctantly at the hotel lounge - working :p...both of us had to clear important emails..anyway, figured we probably stay healthier staying in the hotel vs walking outside with the pollution. Managed to get out for 2 hours to Causeway Bay where I got 2 boxes of lo poh pang from the famous Hung Heung biscuit shop at Sogo's basement. We headed to the airport pretty early, giving Jin enough time to pack a yummy char siew and duck rice from Cafe Cartel at terminal 1 before our flight home to Spore. Was tempted to pack 2 boxes of Krispy Kremes for the office but decided that it was too much work to hand carry doughnuts onto the flight :D

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