Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sophie's dreamfeed...

I am not sure if I should be celebrating so soon BUT the little bean has been sleeping 7 hours straight the past 4 nites!! woohoo...I get really excited when I wake up at 730am and she's still sound asleep, giving me time to express milk before she wakes :)

Anyway, here's what we do : she goes to bed at 7-9pm..after her milk, I wipe her down, put her in her PJs and read her some books. Then about midnite - 1am (depending on what time I sleep), she's woken up for her "dreamfeed". I usually give her about 140-150 ml for her dreamfeed..and she gamely finishes the whole bottle even though she's 80% asleep. Then it's a quick burp session (if she burps that is :p) and plunk back into bed and she's konked out till 730am :) Hurray!

Here's a video of Sophie feeding herself ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

clever girl! know how to hold her own bottle!!!