Friday, November 27, 2009

Just chillin with Poppy

Poppy is bean's oldest pal - born on the same day! Here they were just a year ago. And here they are today 16 months.

The bunnies met up at KPO for brunch.

I had The Works

Adora makes a simple nasi lemak look simply divine :D

Bean and daddy relak-ing

I love this "studio" shot of the 3 bunnies

Sophie : When will boys start buying us drinks?

Poppy : Sigh, I guess when our daddies are not watching us like hawks?

Jaan by day and night..

Beautiful views from the top of swissotel

I was happy enough to get one meal at Jaan but happier when I got to have 2 meals there in a span of a week :) a Lunch and a Dinner.
Jaan par Andre is Asia's 4th best restaurant and helmed by Chef Andre Chiang (who by the way, is quite the cute! saw him featured in Her World's best dress folks)
Here's a sample of some of the dishes..overall, a lovely experience!

Truffle pasta

Slow roasted Bresse chicken, foie gras and live sea scallop
Barley and almond compote, fresh morel emulsion

Prawn delicacy on the house

Symphony of Mediterranean sea urchin and Alaskan king crab
Served in three temperatures and kaffir lime consommé

Marble goby baked in salt crust, “Étrille” crab bouillon and its crispy rissole
On Truffle Polenta "Crèmeux"

"Pré salé baby" lamb saddle, black truffle tapenade; “potato coulant” and grilled cauliflower (check out the purple pretty :)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Birthday ruled by cake's availability

And so I decided to celebrate the bday a couple of days early..all bcos i ordered my passionfruit meringue cake for the weekend instead of for the actual day. Figured I could then invite some folks over to try out the cake :)

Here's me with the cake!

Bean and mummy!

Bean, Mummy and Daddy!

and good ol friends - we sang happy bday but i did not blow no candles cos the winds were extra strong and we figured the candle flame won't last a second :P

The cake was real yummy..I am so happy I ordered it :). Too bad the two little ones (pic below) could not eat cake yet year my young padawans ;)

another year older but always 24 :). I feel young just by watching bean cos she makes me laugh a lot! even when she does something naughty, i pretend to scold but behind her back, i secretly snicker..heeheehee.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My heart melter..

I am working at my dining table..multi tasking as usual,..quite oblivious to the background noise of bean and michiko horsing around. typing emails, answering work calls, working on presentation decks..suddenly bean walks up to me and bcos i am on the phone, she just taps me on my leg . I drag my eyes from my computer screen and looks at her. she looks back and her tiny fingers waves bye bye to me, her cute lips mouthing a silent bye bye. I see michiko carrying her milk. yes, bean's waving bye bye to let her busy mummy know she's off to drink her milk and have her afternoon nap. but bcos mummy's on the phone, she knows she cannot disturb so she keeps quiet and just uses her hand signal to tell me - bye bye mummy, see you after my nap!..and she walks off independently to her room.

all signs of a baby bean growing up..too quickly. these little gestures really melts my heart..i love you little bean.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

November november...

I always look forward to November..cos not only is it my bday month which means lots of makan sessions and some nice gifts, but it's also the month before December which means Christmas and often a long break off work. Seeing we were "stuck" in Spore every weekend due to Jin's unpredictable work schedule, I decided that this November will be the month for house parties.

and so...saturday saw the old and new of HP at a pot luck gathering. I made curry yong tau fu courtesy of Dancing Chef ;). WH made this orange choc cake which deserves to be featured here since it was the only true home made item.

sophie playing with emma

the old of HP meets

Sunday, we finally caught up with William and Jenny (who is 6 mths preggy!), who brought along Bailey. Bean was ultra tickled by the sight of a huge golden retriever in our home..she kept trying to hug him ..i think she torments doggies the same way she torments boys :)

part of our yummy tea treat

Back to November being a bday month, I had the first bday celebration last week with the ladies. Ah loi showed off her baby bump and erm, other well endowed assets, Angie entertained us with wedding news and annoyed andrea with the thought of having a destination wedding at the same month which means none of us would be here for andrea's big day..hehehe..good thing is was only a joke, made to rile up andrea (which worked!). it's lovely seeing the cool calm andrea annoyed :) Jessie shared stories of her holiday in Paris and I bored everyone with some pix of bean. Oh, andrea got the new flip camera and did this :

I am soo going to get myself one of these flip camera for Christmas !!

and..we took bean to the zoo..and she saw the pygmy hippos..and nearly got her head bitten off by some huge reptile :)

had to slot a pix of bean here after helping out with shopping :)

I just lurve November..more to come : pie making with cheryl, pot luck lunch with Lilaine and anne..and oh, must order my passionfruit meringue from patissier. will i get it this time? :p

and soon it will be Christmas....

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Scary pumpkin bean

well, it is Halloween and I expected bean to be a scary pumpkin but alas, she looks more like a cute pumpkin bean :)

Jin's been super busy at work the past week..coming back past 11 most nights and off by 8am the next day. So he promised to spend more time with us during the weekend - which meant cancelling his morning PT session so we could head to the zoo. WE finally explored the famous waterpark at the zoo. Check out the happy bean :) - am soo going to bring Ryan when he visits!!!

We joined the july 08 babies for a halloween party hosted by Adora. I did not take any shots so am shamelessly doing a link to the party pics here :)

Sunday saw us doing the early morning walk to BG - had a lovely brunch at Halia and then sophie got to run around till she got soo tired, she just went into her usual squat on the ground mode and waited for me to pick her :p.

White asparagus, eggs, parmesan shavings, prosciutto ham and truffle oil = super indulgence!

YL invited us for lunch at their new place - we had beef stew! and baby Josh has grown..soo "pretty" :). sophie had fun terrorising Julian...sigh.

The weekend ended with dinner at Gail's..a last minute dinner invite to have roast chicken and out of this world cherry tomato soup..we never turn down home cooked meals. :)))

Here's a glimpse of the little one who just turned 16 months today - watching her sesame street on tv.