Monday, October 6, 2008

Poppy and Sophie - celebrating their first Raya together

Over the weekend, we attended our 1st ever Raya open house in Singapore. I shamelessly smsed kak za , wishing her "selamat hari raya" and she had no choice but to extend an open house invite to both adora and me..hehehe. However, I think she got the last laugh cos she informed Adora that there was not going to be any lunch served so Jin and I stuffed ourselves with a yummy lunch at Vista Bistro @ east coast - only to discover a great spread awaiting us at Kak Za's home :p

Here's what we had at Vista Bistro - burger and stir fried pasta (I did not take pix of their mushroom soup but it was definitely one of the yummiest mushroom soup I have had in a long time)

The view from the bistro was lovely - facing the east coast park and the waters beyond...

even Sophie was in a relaxed mood :)

At Kak Za's house, we wasted no time in attacking the spread, even though we were stuffed from lunch.

When our tummies were full, we got down to the serious business of taking some pix of poppy and sophie..unfortunately, the 2 little ones got tired from waiting and fell asleep with pacifiers in their cute :)

Pacifier Off :)

Poppy with Jin

Sophie with Max

the Us with Nenek Za


Unknown said...

wow that looks like a really nice place! next on our list! and hehe you did have a BIG lunch!!!!!!

Truly Us said...

i dont exaggerate when i say i had a BIG lunch! hee..go go and make sure u try mushroom soup..err, unless u not big fan of mushrooms la.