Friday, November 23, 2007

Pawtobello - where doggies roam free

Finally managed to meet up with William and Jenny for a catch up lunch. Decided to drag Gail and Jimmy out too since we have not seen them since Jin's bday. As Bailey the doggy was coming along, we decided to meet at Pawtobello (Mohd Sultan). It's a pet friendly cafe so the minute you walk in, you can choose to let the pet off their leash or tie the leash at your table while you eat. There's a whole doggy menu so we had to make sure we ordered from the right menu ;).

It was really fun to see Bailey's again..such a gorgeous dog - easily the biggest dog in the cafe. The more popular breeds were the schnauzers and surprise surprise, our fav breed, the every cute Westie. I was really excited to see 3 westies! and the last one being a 3 month old puppy who went around sniffing every dog's bum bum. Lol.

Earlier that morning, we woke up..well, i got up early so naturally Jin woke up not much later..since it was not even 8 yet on a saturday morning, we decided to do a picnic breakfast at the Botanical Gardens (BG). The pusher was that mom left behind a whole loaf of bread and seeing we hardly ever ate bread, I decided that the swans and tortoises at the gardens deserve a treat.

So we packed our picnic basket with milk, coffee, char siew pau and a huge pear from our Oz trip and did the 15 minutes walk to BG. Seemingly, every kid in the park had the same idea so there was wayy too much bread being given out and we ended up bringing back the whole loaf minus one slice which I managed to feed to a mutated looking fish in the pond. Here's a sleepy Jin trying to pose enthusiasticly for the camera wishing his wife was not such an early riser ;)

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