Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A short reflection..

I spent the day working from home today and at 630pm, suddenly felt, enough of work, I need a break...and then it hit me, I have not watched TV for the longest time..I dont think I have seen channel 5 or StarWorld for the past few months..what has changed? I used to be such a tv addict, cant do without my amazing race and sitcoms - waking up at 7am and catching reruns of seinfeld while having breakfast..

My previous TV time has just been replaced..with baby on the way, Jin and I are obsessed with shopping boards buying her stuff..every night, we dutifully turn on our PCs and look for good deals..this week we got her a mosquito net and car seat..her 2nd cos jin says we need 1 for each car..and we dont even hv a 2nd car yet!!! and every week, i say enough is more shopping..but do I listen to me? :P

If it's not surfing, time is spent reading up on baby books and playing music to baby...she promptly moves each time music is played to her..even when she's sleeping..poor kid :D

Our lives already changing even with her still happily nesting in me..just imagine when she arrives...I think tt would def be life changing!

Jin has been really great with all the baby stuff..he dedicately researches on everything before he buys..and he keeps buying and buying with soo much's hard telling him to stop :). Last week, baby and I decided her daddy deserves a pressie too for all the pressies he has been buying we ran out to Tangs one night when Jin was in Jakarta and bought him a Samsonite laptop bagpack for his day trips..came back and wrapped the pressie..this is what Jin saw waiting for him :)

Oh, saw a cream cheese cupcake recipe in one of the magazines the other day and decided it was easy enough to test out..happy to note : results were Yummy!

Here's baby and me at 28 weeks - we strolled out to botanical gardens for egg prata breakfast..I look huge..can I really fit in another 12 weeks? gulp :P

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