Sunday, June 1, 2008

GD? what GD?

2 Fridays ago, I went for my gestational diabetes test..had to fast from midnite till 9.30am, and then at the Glen lab, they made me go through 3 urine samples and 3 blood test on top of drinking a very strong glucose drink. This orange fanta tasting drink with tons of fizz was initially gulped down with much enthusiasm as I was soo parched from all the fasting..but halfway through the bottle, the high glucose effect took place and it was a sloow swallow process after that..happy to have finished every single last drop within the 5 minute span I was given (hard not to finish it as the nurse was watching me like a hawk :p )

Right after the test, I was sooo hungry, went straight and had a quick lunch at Dome followed by a banana split with 3 scoops of ice cream at B&Js..I guess that was my last indulgence of this pregnancy as come Monday, was called into gynae's clinic to be told that GD results came back +ve and I was to limit all happy desserts from my diet..sob sob sob..and to add to the pain of the news, I also had to prick my finger after every meal to test and record my blood sugar..SIGH!

Funny though, even after a week of monitoring and sneaking in small bite size sweetness into my diet, my readings have all been below the 'not good' level..jin says I should just have another pure indulgence just to check if the machine is working..hmm, sounds tempting. :D

Mark and Michelle visited over the weekend and we had a pot luck at our place. I supplied curry chicky and mutton from golden pillow along with a huge mango strudel bought from Ritz. Gail came with tuna salad, quiche and pasta . William made a very nice pork belly chinese dish and for dessert, green tea ice cream with red beans and rice balls just like what one would get in a fusion Jap restaurant. Here are the guys hard at work making dessert in the kitchen.

Watching our friend's kids at the party got me thinking again why would any sane, happily married couple wanna have kids..Ethan's at the age where he just has to question and say something back to everything thrown his way..and while they play, they also tend to fight and somehow, take turns to cry. Here are the kids being punished by me, they are not a bit remorseful..looks on their faces - pure hollywood stuff ;)

But I guess at the end of the day, their cute little faces trigger off a certain parental cell in our brains and we forget all their naughtiness and remember only their's ethan acting all cute and lovable next his uncle Jin..awwww :)

Next morning, we met up for brunch at Wine Company at evan's road..the ambience nice but food was not great..I think we will just stick to the cheese and wine next time :)

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