Friday, June 27, 2008

Still enjoying the time off work ;)

My 2nd week of pre-ML has just flown by. Besides trying to squeeze in an hour of nap time everyday, the highlights of the week :
1)Tues : Happy hours at Morton's
- could not drink the martini's but had the steak sandwiches and yummy jumbo crab dip with cheese bread. Here's Adora and me with our substitute "martini" mocktails :P

2) Wed : Fit class in the morning and Lunch with Neel at saddles club (it was nice as the place was half empty and the quietness with the greenary gave it a serene setting)

3) Thurs : Facial and dinner with Lin, Karen and Li Mei. The girls basically prepared the food..we had yong tau fu, lotus pork soup and it was nice that they insisted I did not have to lift a finger ;)

4) Friday : Lunch with colleagues at Liang Court. We had a feast of ramen and pork tonkatsu. Myra gave baby clothes from Carters and little socks..very cute!

We saw Dr Chin today and she wants us to go in next Tuesday to potentially induce baby. The conversation was quite funny..

Dr Chin : Ok, I think you come in Monday morning and we induce you..your hubby should take the day off, then you both go shopping, walk around, afternoon - take a nap and then evening, come back for a check and if not dilated, we pop another pill in.

Me : Why Monday NOT Tuesday?

Dr Chin : Oh, Tuesday also can..your GD control so good so I am can negotiate with me.monday or tuesday..but I dont want it to be another week.

Me : Oh tuesday then, cos Jin wants a July baby and Tuesday onwards is July

And it never occured to either Jin or me to ask what happens if baby is not after coming out of her clinic, I asked the nurse but they could not answer me, so I sent Jin back in to ask Dr Chin. Seems the reason to induce is so that we can avoid a situation where the baby can be in distress..meanwhile, we were told by Dr Chin to try nipple stimulation to create more Braxton Hicks contractions and that would hopefully bring the baby lower and engaged her by Tuesday..I know what my homework will be the next 4 days!!

4 more days, our baby might be out! with this in mind, our weekend calendar is suddenly filled with more things to do! so far, Jin has listed 6 things..we still need to get me a hairdryer and baby's room a dustbin..thankfully, I have washed her 2 car seat covers (hand washed and nose even bled due to hard work ;) and all her cloth books which Lynda sent back from US. I cant believe how many books she has now! It has filled up one whole box :)

Oh, and tomorrow, we get to interview the babysitter..dum de dum dum

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