Friday, June 13, 2008

Last working day till.....

Yesterday marked my last work day till after my maternity leave! It felt really weird clearing up my desk - I put everything away! Checked out how neat my desk looks :)..and I put a note on my monitor : Try not to make a mess! My hormones must be playing up cos I actually felt a twinge of regret taking my pre- maternity leave 2-3 weeks before baby is actually due. hehe, does that mean I secretly enjoy work and long hours? :p

Oh, groupM was so sweet to give me a bouquet of gerberas. Such happy cheerful flowers! Here's baby and me at 36 plus weeks!
I am writing this at 6am..last 3 nights, it seems that I have lost the ability to have a good night whole upper body aches and it's terribly hard to even try move in bed with a big tummy in the way. My friend said to me that what I am going through it normal and I should just be happy I have had a smooth blessed pregnancy todate :)..I actually could not agree more la ;)

I did experience some pregnancy symptoms : swollen hobbit feet (see below!) and have to go through GD test - pix of me belly and measuring baby's heart rate during a routined weekly CTG test. But thankfully, the morning sickness gave me a miss and my face looks like it still belongs to me :)

Another 2-3 weeks to go..I am going to be busy next week trying to complete all the 'before baby comes things to do list' :P. Here's a rare pix of Jin and me..hmm, that reminds me, got to get someone to help take more pictures of just the TWO of us..before this little bunny in me makes it THREE!

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