Saturday, July 26, 2008

3.5 weeks old, 4.48kgs!

Our little Sophie bean in no longer little! we took her to see the doc today as I noticed the heat rash on her face seemed to be spreading. Doc told the unwise mummy that it's not heat rash but baby acne :(..and me putting the calendula cream on her face probably worsen the condition..sigh! Doc gave us an antibiotic cream and tea tree oil for her face instead.
Then the doc mentioned that that baby's a bit overweight for a 3.5 week old. actually by one month, they shld only put on 1 kg..sophie has put on 1.5 kgs and she's not even 1 mth yet! My baby's FAT! and I kinda blame the confinement nanny who always insist that baby drinks more. So now, drastic needs to eat do so, I try to pump out some milk before letting her latch on. That way, she does not drink soo much and choke, cough and vomit out extra milk :) and here's our chubby double (triple?) chin baby girl!

This evening, we managed to take sophie for her 1st walk in her bugaboo basinet. She wore a blue dress which made her look soo sweet despite her boyish looks ;) and she enjoyed the park and the walk.

Everyday zooms by so fast, I have lost track of all the baby first..overall, am really happy with Sophie as she's a good baby..she sleeps consistently 3 hours after every feed and only cries when she wants milk. When she's lonely, she makes one off "eeks" to call for company..when Jin carries her, she whimpers softly - he is the only one she whimpers to. She loves to be carried and is happiest when the air cond's on and she's carried to sleep. She can sleep for hours in our arms but the minute she's put down, she wakes and frets. We are truly spoiling her..but I tell myself, she's still an infant and deserves some spoiling :)

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