Saturday, July 26, 2008

Being in confinement,.

Wellll...not exactly. My nanny isnt really the strict kind..she said from Day 1 that now a days, times hv changed and people dont really follow strict confinement rules anymore I take baths every day and wash hair every other day and dress in shorts..I hope I dont regret this!! :P

On the other hand, she does make me good soups which keep my milk supply up . Her cooking's really good - very little oil and tasty. She used to open a food stall and ran the business for 19 years! So far, some of the non confinement dishes she has created were : curry laksa, curry chicken, yong tau fo, hakka soon kueh, hakka abacus dish, pumpkin dessert..

And she decided to pack and freeze marinated meat for me in the freezer so that I can use when in 3rd month of maternity nice of her :) and better still, Sophie adores her!

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