Wednesday, July 9, 2008

And baby Sophie makes her entrance

Our birth story :

July 1st

9.30am : Dr Chin said I was 1cm dilated..asked if I could be induced..I said : Why not? thing I know, a pill was popped in to make my cervix more dilated..

1130am : Lunch at Au Petit at Dempsey. I had the yummy duck confit and seeing I did not have to monitor my glucose levels anymore, I enjoyed and savoured my choux buns dessert.

1pm : went for mid-day walk at Hort Park. Cloudy day and it was nice. Still did not feel any pain.

2.30pm : reached home and went to sleep

3.30pm : felt some pain but did not think much of it..watched Hell's kitchen

4.30pm : felt pain every 5 minutes..decided to take a bath

5pm : told jin about pain..he panic and said better go hospital cos he did not want me to be 7 cm dilated and then no epi and sure he will "suffer"

6.30pm : reached hospital, checked into labour ward

7pm : nurse said I only 2.5 cm dilated :p..anyway, we checked in and Dr Chin said I can have my epi if i wanted

830pm : decided that if I am going to have epi in the end, why not take it early? :D..requested for my epi

9pm : Dr Dicky Tay administered a perfect epi (perfect cos no pain!)..and I was a happy bunny

11pm : Dr Chin came and said I was still 2.5 cm dilated..what? :P..she broke my water bag

July 2nd

2am : 7cm dilated

4am : 9cm dilated..finally managed to fall asleep

6am : nurse Yang came in and turned on all the lights. She said, she wants me to try pushing..I asked where was Dr Chin, she said Dr Chin to try pushing first..err,,OK.

Next 30 minutes : Pushed and Jin could see baby's crown. At 6.30am, nurse says to stop pushing and wait for Dr to come...dum de dum dum.

6.40am : Dr Chin makes her entrance, asked me to push. Gave me an episiotomy. Jin saw it all and wonderfully did not faint!

6.51am : Baby Sophie Lim makes her entrance at 3.44 kgs, 50 cm long on July 2nd, 2008. I can't believe this little one was in me for 9 whole months developing..She's perfect :)

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