Tuesday, August 19, 2008

7 weeks old, 5.9 kgs

Argh! It's official..our little Sophie bean is no longer little. Took her to see the Pds yesterday and her weight says it all :P..anyway, I have decided that as long as she's healthy and not obese, I will take it easy on the "jian fei" program. Also, very hard to put her on jian fei program when she's on a growth spurt and wanting to eat every 2.5 hours instead of her usual 3 hours. I really felt that I was being milked dry!

Sophie's learning to play and smile more..when I blow at her ears, she winks an eye and turns away, kinda telling me : Mummy, stop that, it's ticklish :)

This morning, I got up bright and early, expressed milk for her and waited for her to wake..when she did, I fed her the bottle and then let her snuggle in with Jin. Then remembered that she turned 7 weeks today so got out the new white dress from Lisa (all the way from HK!) and dressed her up to take some cute shots :)

This pix is Sophie telling us : Don't mess with me, I like my milk :)

1 comment:

melliebaby said...

Haha! Love the last pic! And she looks utterly cute in that white dress!