Friday, August 29, 2008

Cousin Ryan and Sophie

My little nephew seems to be fascinated by Sophie (or babies)..he will sit still and stare at her when she's crying as if trying to figure out why something this small can be so loud :p. When he is in a playful mood, he tries his best to get to her just to touch far, Sophie has gotten some of his foot on her face and he even stole one of her socks and promptly stuffed it in his mouth. Here are some pix of the two of them and a link to a hilarious video of Ryan in his "I want cousin Sophie"mode.

Ryan's such a sweet little one. He loves playing and gives you an easy smile when you entertain him..he was also a slight cranky this past week..and we found out it was bcos lynda ng has been feeding him less! Never mind, little does she know that his aunty cindy has been supplementing him with his "quiet down food" - Honey Stars :D. Here's my favourite "little" nephew with his favourite aunty ;)

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