Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Family portraits

Was back in KL over the weekend and took the opportunity to take some shots with both sides of the family. Above shows little bean with the 3 Ng ladies. Sophie's saying : I may be little but I rule ;)

Here's the Lim, Ng and Kwan clan having breakfast at Jaipur.

Sophie with great grandparents

Sophie with Ah Kong and Ah Ma

Sophie with her Popo

Sophie with Ku Poh and Tai Ku Poh
Sophie with Ah Yee and Kao Fu (senior)

Sophie with Ah Yee and Kao Fu (junior)

Sophie with Koko Ryan

and finally, Sophie with her mummy and daddy :)

1 comment:

minimunchkin said...

Great pics Cindy! Sophie looks like she'll have loads of attention from all parts of the family.