Monday, September 8, 2008

Life without help...

Our 2nd month confinement nanny left us a week ago..initially it felt weird not having someone to pass a cranky baby to and when i washed dishes the first time after 2 months, it felt alien-ish!..but slowly we are adjusting. Jin has been a real champion! we agreed he will do the 2-4am feed since he has no problem going back to sleep right after (wherelse, if I were to wake and feed the 2-4am meal, I would be awake for the next 2-3 hours :p). Wonderfully, he has kept to his end of the bargain..when baby eeks, I give him a good shove (cos his ears somehow tunes out her eeks) and he sleepily gets out of bed, warms the bottle, feeds her, burps her, change her nappy and puts her back to sleep :)).

Her next wake-up session is usually around 6-8am, by which then, I am usually awake (since I need to pump!). While waiting for her to wake, the routine is to set the machine to wash our clothes, wash up all the bottles, pump out milk, wash up, quickly check the news and emails on internet, eat breakfast. When she wakes, it's feed her, burp her, change nappy and get her out of her PJs. Then it is usually self-play her a kick piano to entertain herself and so far, it seems to be working (I think I am usually more entertained than her when she kicks the keys! ;)

Once her milk settles in, she gets her bath and by then, it will be her mid-morning snooze time. Every 3 hours, she will demand her 110ml of milk. We now prop her up on a pillow for her to drink her milk..this releases our arms from having to carry and feed her :)

In between, if she's not sleeping, she will either be happily playing by herself or getting all cranky insisting poor mummy carry her..I seriously feel that my arms have lost all feeling after 30 minutes of carrying!! thankfully, there's the pacifier when she's inconsolable ;)

In the evenings, while waiting for Jin to come home and if the weather's good, we usually go for a walk round the house. Sophie seems to enjoy this a lot as her eyes get really huge as she looks left, right at her surroundings. Here's mummy and baby posing with our neighbour's lovely flowers.

By 10pm, I am usually exhausted but I still stay awake till midnight to do one final pump before the next pump session at 7am. Sophie is most cranky between the hours of 9pm-midnight..she wants to be carried and when we leave her to cry, she really cries her lungs out and sobs for a good 30 minutes even while we are carrying her..and she refuses to sleep in her own bed!! BUT the minute we put her on OUR bed, she becomes all angelic and coos and even sleeps on her own! Here's her all so tiny on our big bed...

Anyway, I have accepted that she needs to sleep first with us..after the 2am feed, Jin will pick her up and put her in her own room and bed and there she will sleep till 7am :) and mummy gets a solid 6-7 hours of sleep..:D

Soon, our little bean will be going to the babysitter when I go back to work..feeling sad just thinking about it! so treasuring the last few days we get to spend with her and giving her extra kisses when I think about her going to babysitter's place :(.

Here's Sophie looking happy and chubby in a top given by Charmaine :)

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