Monday, September 22, 2008

Sophie to the babysitter :(

I started sending our baby bean to the sitter last week. The 1st time, I stayed the whole 2 hours just to watch how the sitter bath soph and put her to sleep. The 2nd time, I stayed a short while and came home..I thought I could catch up on some sleep but I ended up teary eye instead, missing my little bean. When I went to pick her up, the sitter gave her a little kiss goodbye and my heart felt a little tug of protectiveness..hey, who says you can kiss my little one? BUT, I can't stop it and I guess having the sitter love Soph is better than having her beat her right? :(

Each time I pick Soph up, I always ask the sitter if Sophie cried. The 3rd time I picked her up, the sitter mentioned that Sophie cried twice. Once when her blouse was being taken off (sitter says blouse too tight, mummy said, how can - new blouse ah!)..and 2nd time she cried was bcos sitter accidently clipped Sophie's nail too deep and it bled..wahh, my heart felt pain on hearing this! I was quite upset..I called Jin and told him and he was quite upset too..we both agreed that from now onwards, I will be the official manicurist for Sophie :)

This is the 2nd week Sophie has been going to the sitter..each time, only for 4 hours max as I will start missing her and will bring her home in the afternoon. From next week onwards, when I start work, she will be at the sitter's place for 6-8 hours..I feel sad knowing this and it's really hard to let go especially now that Sophie's in her smiley heart warms each time she smiles at me..sigh, am definitely going through separation anxiety :(

Here's mummy and baby bean enjoying a playful moment :)

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