Friday, December 12, 2008

"crying over spilt milk"

I always wondered how the line "dont cry over spilt milk" came about. now i know..

yesterday morning, as with every other morning - i woke up with full boobs crying to be expressed. i dragged myself out of bed as i always do and sleepily put the pump materials together and expressed.

when i was done and in the midst of transfering the milk into sophie's drinking bottle, my hand accidently knocked over one of the bottles and it's content spilled out. i was not fast enough and by the time i picked up the bottle, half the milk was on the counter top.

SOBs - very heartpain to see all that good milk there..

and thus, that's how i figured the expression : 'crying over spilt milk' came about...cos i really did wanna cry!! but what's the use right? :P

1 comment:

Lynda Ng said...

haha, I had that happen once when I was pumping at 3am... :P