Wednesday, February 4, 2009

7 months old bean

The many faces of sophie bean (in a span of 1 minute)..

..but usually more of a happy bean :)

When one stops keeping count of how many weeks old their baby is, that when one realises that the little one is growing up fast! Sophie turned 7 months old 3 days ago..and guess what? Adora had to remind me :P

Her recent achievements :

- being able to sit up straight unsupported, being able to lift herself up from her 90 degrees yoga pose. This also means that she dislikes lying down to play..she struggles to get up by doing mini stomach crunches :)

..every toy goes into her mouth..there's no escape!

Bean - the future musician?

- responding to our voices - she got super excited when she saw and heard me at the door when I picked her up from the babysitter's place this evening. I truly believe that if she had wings, she would have flown to my arms :)..instead, I was greeted with squeals of happiness,,,def made me forget the frustration I felt being stuck in traffic for 30 minutes just trying to reach her from work today.

- wolfing down two semi-solid meals each day. She now gets to eat avocados, sweet potatoes, carrots, apple puree. I think she likes sweet potatoes best. I take that back - her mummy's milk is still her absolute favourite :)..she gulps down 180ml - 4 times day.

- Pooing in her potty at the babysitter's. (only bcos her parents have not bought her a potty for her home :p). it's quite funny how she just would not poo at her Po Po's place during CNY despite 4 attempts (how to when so many eyes staring at her? :p ) but she poos everyday at the sitter's...hmmm

- doing her funny face ,..I have NO idea when this started BUT it happens like several times a's like she's's really funny to watch..we call it her "ugly face" :)

yes, the little bean is growing up too fast..and I have another 7 days of work to endure b4 I get to spend more time watching her grow :) di daaa


Unknown said...

her expression is so funny la!!!!!!!!

Truly Us said...

it is! cracks everyone up..even the babysitter grins when she sees :)

Lynda Ng said...

heeheh, beanie is growing quickly!

why she look so garang?
