Saturday, April 4, 2009

Jin and his Bar Bee Q and bean turned 9 months!

For months Jin has been bugging me about doing either a steamboat or BBQ dinner at our place. i think he got tired of pestering me to organise and took matters into his own hands. He invited RY, lin, li mei and karen, went to Giant at turfcity to get the grill and charcoal, hopped over to Meat the Butcher and bought his $60 BBQ package.

We all thought that the package (pre marinated) was pretty good value for $ - sausages, pork chops, lamb, beef, chicken - 6 pieces of each. We bought otah from Ghim Moh market as an additional dish. We ate till we were stuffed and there were still leftovers.

Check out the food and company!

The Cooker with his "cookees"

The lamb and otah getting ready to be eaten :)

The "feast"

I am the glutton next to Karen..check out her tiny morsel compared to my huge sausage :D

When RY piles on the ketchup, you know he is preparing to EAT!
It was a good night of fun..made more memorable that the grill burned our patio table ..hehehee

More important highlights - Sophie's 9 months!! as Adora puts it, she has been out of my tummy longer than she has been inside. At 39 weeks, our little beansprout can now sit on her own, has 6 teeth and weights 9 kgs. It tickles me to see her sitting up on her bed playing with her toys at 5am in the

Potty time!

Play time!

Such a sweet smile..*meltz*

Play time with daddy

Hello Blue Whale , swim buddy..

Sigh, must she chomp on Patrick ? :(


Lynda Ng said...

finally; u updated your blog. How come your bbq eating is indoors?


Beanie is cute as ever. Ryan is not allowed to touch Patrick..;)

Truly Us said...

it's too hot to bbq and eat outdoors.nt to mention being bitten by mosqui..hehe...

i tried to keep patrick away from bean but it's futile! sobs

Unknown said...

she is so smiley!!! :) hey i've also been looking for the wings but only could find big ones. where you get from ah?