Monday, August 24, 2009

What crosses my mind every other minute?

....besides whether I put on or lost weight, the thing that always come up is if I should be a SAHM Sophie went for a trial class at Julia Gabriel and it was so much fun,,and I know that she will benefit from it..but they ONLY have weekday classes..and how is a FTWM supposed to attend weekday classes with the little bean? grrr

Some pix of bean enjoying snack time at JG trial (my heart gave a small tug when I saw her sitting by the table, feeding's like..where did my baby girl go to?!)

And some random pix taken over the weekend - I love that we can now walk to Holland V for breakfast on the weekends. We includes Sophie ;)

Sophie says "Yaayyyyyyy"


bluebearypie said...

You can walk to Holland V??? Really? But it seems far. How long does the walk take?

Truly Us said...

15 minutes one way :)