Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My heart melter..

I am working at my dining table..multi tasking as usual,..quite oblivious to the background noise of bean and michiko horsing around. typing emails, answering work calls, working on presentation decks..suddenly bean walks up to me and bcos i am on the phone, she just taps me on my leg . I drag my eyes from my computer screen and looks at her. she looks back and her tiny fingers waves bye bye to me, her cute lips mouthing a silent bye bye. I see michiko carrying her milk. yes, bean's waving bye bye to let her busy mummy know she's off to drink her milk and have her afternoon nap. but bcos mummy's on the phone, she knows she cannot disturb so she keeps quiet and just uses her hand signal to tell me - bye bye mummy, see you after my nap!..and she walks off independently to her room.

all signs of a baby bean growing up..too quickly. these little gestures really melts my heart..i love you little bean.


bluebearypie said...

*sniff sniff*
Sophie is truly such a heart melter. Even my heart melts when I read the post.

Lynda Ng said...

That's way too cute. I can't wait to see and hold her!