Sunday, March 6, 2011

and the award goes to...

Me!! for surviving my 1st week back at work after loooong 4 months :). in line with oscar week, this would have been my acceptance speech.

Category : Best survivor in their 1st week back at work after child delivery

wow! thank you. what an honour! to be in the same category with you angelina (jolie) and still win! (maybe cos you have like an army to help you and wait, dont really need to get back to work do you?) ..There are so many people to thank..God, for giving me mental alertness and patience to get through morning traffic and the ton of terrible drivers on the road. My darling hubby, jin - for waking up to help out with the 4am feeds. my in laws for staying with us and helping to watch the household so that I could be out of the house 10 hours a day with a peace of mind. My helper for taking such good care of bean and mini bean while i am out..and the nanny for giving mini bean lots of love (and spoiling her silly by carrying her non stop!)..and and...(backgroud music comes on : twinkle twinkle little stars)...and my manager at work for being understanding and letting me get off work travel..the cleaner aunty at work for keeping the toilets clean so i can do all my pumping in there and catch that 5 minute cat nap. thank you all, I love guys rock!!


Lynda Ng said...

Congrats on your AWARD! You deserve it.:)

How come you have to pump in bathroom? Time to ask HP for a small closet for all the new mothers!

Truly Us said...

thanks luv :)

HP does hv a nursing room but it's cramp and cold (air cond) and with my top off, it's even colder! and you have to line up cos there are only 3 cubicles and seems like everyone pumps around the same time..and then when does, hv to wait to the sink cos everyone washes at the same time.

so the disable toilet which is huge and non air cond and has its own sink works great :)..just hv to ignore the ppl rattling the door once in a while. haha