Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Silly me ;)

Last night, while getting ready for bed, I casually mentioned to Jin that Baby is 27 weeks now..and he just replied..you know what that means? it Means baby is coming very soon..and don't know why, his words just stuck a a cord and got me thinking - what? you mean jin and i wont have just US time anymore and we have to spread our precious time together with another little one? and that thought (which I attribute to a combination of hormones and a very painful swollen left feet) got me tearing up and then sob sob sobs...

Thankfully, after a good half hour, my senses came back and the mood swinged. Quickly apologised to the little one, told her how much we love her and how we can't wait to have her part of our lives..of course Jin had to also assure me that we will still have our US time..(yeah, like when baby goes to college :p)

Been meaning to put this up, but pregnancy forgetfulness to blame. Pix of baby girl's chromosoms! Got a scare quite early in the pregnancy when triple test came out with false positive results..the event's a bit hazy in my memory now but I do remember an extreme feeling of sadness and a whole day of crying..did not help that Jin was in Jakarta the day the call from Dr Chin's clinic came in. I was crying so much that I did not even see the needle go in to remove the amniotic fluid..thankfully so too cos I would have freaked out seeing how terrified I am of needles and I heard it's pretty BIG needle :D. To cut long story short, I insisted on paying extra extra for rapid test results (so instead of waiting 3 weeks, I got the results in 1.5 days..the things money can buy :p) and after the call with the results, everything was sunny again :).

Here's my personal version of the Mastercard Ad :

Amnio test with chromosom photograph: $1300

Rapid test results : $200

Feeling when found out that baby was OK : priceless

1 comment:

Lynda Ng said...

so funnneeeee..... :) yeah, US time still exist... urm, when baby is sleeping... hehehhhehehhe