Thursday, June 19, 2008

Pre-maternity leave is FUN!

Have been living the tai tai life since the week's actually pretty liberating waking up in the morning knowing that there's nothing urgent to do...and even when I wake up in the middle of the night, I dont feel so stress about not being able to fall back asleep cos I know I can always take an afternoon or mid morning nap during the course of the day :)

On the 1st day of pre-ML, I ran some errands like getting Mitsu in for a much needed wash and collecting baby stuff sent in by Lynda from US. Then I headed to Dome at Dempsey Hill for a afternoon latte..the apple crumble in the cakes display called out to me but I resisted and just enjoyed my latte with the rest of the non-working crowd at dawned to me that there are a LOT of people who do not work :P

Mom came to spend 2 days with me and we did more tai tai things like long breakfast and watching KungFu Panda at 11am during the day..she also helped to decorate baby's room's the result of our afternoon masterpiece ;)..we were nice enough to let Jin paste one dragonfly so that he can say he was part of the team ;)

Jin and I also spent some time getting the rest of baby's cot ready...we could not resist putting up the crib bumper :D

Last weekend was pretty relaxing as well..Jin has been having some home made noodle craving so we went market shopping on Saturday and bought all the noodle ingredients. The end result was a yummy concoction of mushrooms, pork ribs, chicken, prawns with yellow noodles in a very tasteful broth.

My new found preggie friend, Adora got us some cupcakes from east coast so we went on sunday night to pick it up from her. Her hubby got her a new camera for her bday and he wanted to experiment it with pictures of our two preggie bumps. Here are some cute shots of our tummies at week 36 with out little baby girls in there!


Unknown said...

oh my gosh my hair looks like siao char bor!!!

and there is a little pink bunny climbing on sophie bunny's cot!!!!!

Truly Us said...

lol..siao char bo indeed ;)..never mind, pregnancy glow overcomes everything ;)..

yeah. pink bunny today courtesy of my sister from US! she said she could not resist..hahaha..sounds familiar?