Friday, September 5, 2008

Celebrating 8 years...

Sept 3rd marked our 8th year wedding anniversary...gosh, that seems long! This year, I had no problem thinking of what to get Jin..his work belt looked like it belonged to WWII era last week, Lyn and I stepped into Hugo Boss and choose a nice belt for Jin. (actually I looked at Mont Blanc as well but belts were double the price there,.,.,why ah? )

We arranged to meet for dinner at Tatsuya - we had always wanted to try the omakase but could never find a special enuff occasion to valid the extravagence. Anyway, I figured since we did not have time to do a spa session this year, the money from that will go into our omakase meal instead ;)..Jin was as usual running late so since I was early, I decided to browse the aisles at Jason's marketplace Paragon..I love browsing supermarket's kinda like a weird obsession of mine which Jin can never figure out..he complains all the time that I will step into every supermarket when we are travelling overseas even though we just stepped out of one like 5 minutes ago :p

I found a nice dark chocolate going for a dollar less ..while lining up at the counter to pay, I happened to glance around and notice a guy carrying a bunch of flowers walking to the same counter..and it was Jin..I noticed him before he saw me and he was soo surprised that I was there..hehehe..he actually wanted to buy the flowers to surprise me at tatsuya..sorry to spoil your surprise hon ;)..anyway, I convinced Jin that the $50 can be spent better elsewhere so we walked back to the flower counter to place back the lovely lily bouquet..well, it was the thought that counted :)

Back to our omakase..what an experience it was!! I loved the sushi esp the time round (if there's a next time!..took me some time to get over the bill!), I would def order just the sushi omakase and skip the rest of the items like soup and appetizers.

Since Jin paid for din, I decided to belanja him dessert. we headed to Bakerzin where I ordered an Opera cake and he ordered a 3 set tapas..The opera cake was truly lousy..canele's wins by far!

It was nice just to hang out together..we left sophie bean behind with the nanny (it was also the nanny's last night with us so we grabbed the opportunity to stay out late)..but I think both of us missed our cutie bean although we did not say it..we skipped the choice of watching wall-E and headed home to see our little bean instead :)


Lynda Ng said...

Jin soo funny-lah. He should have known you were going to be at the supermarket! Your japanese dinner sounds so grand and yums.hehe, finally celebrating an anniversary with a baby waiting at home must be an experience..;)

Truly Us said...

yes yes..jin said he suspected and was keeping a lookout for me :p...he was really surprised that i spotted him..the look on his face -